9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Young Leaders Academy (YLA) – Training 1

Room : Graduate Academy

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for: Young leaders

9:00 am – 11:00 am

Ecosystems of Innovation Open Space – Introduction

Thematic focus areas:

1. Innovation and Technology Transfer
2. Climate Crises and Sustainability
3. Future Teaching Formats & Degrees
4. Research Cooperation
5. Democracy and Inclusion
6. Internationalisation

Room : Festsaal Dülferstraße

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for: Board of Presidents, Alliance Management Board, Advisory Council, Student Council, Faculty and Staff Council, Quality Council, Institutional Coordinators, Communication heads and officers, experts from each University, Young leader academy, TRAIN project, TRAIN infrastructure, TUD participants

10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Networking Coffee (all day open)

Room: Festsaal Dülferstraße

On Google maps

11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Open space 1st round: Parallel working sessions on topics

Identify specific cooperation opportunities within EUTOPIA as well as within or beyond WPs

Room: Festsaal Dülferstraße

for: Board of Presidents, Alliance Management Board, Advisory Council, Student Council, Faculty and StaffCouncil, Quality Council, Institutional Coordinators, Communication heads and officers, experts from each University, TRAIN-community, TUD participants

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Open space 2nd round: Parallel working session on topic

Identify specific cooperation opportunities within EUTOPIA as well as within or beyond WPs

for: Board of Presidents, Alliance Management Board, Advisory Council, Student Council, Faculty and StaffCouncil, Quality Council, Institutional Coordinators, Communication heads and officers, experts from each University, TRAIN-community, TUD participants

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Networking Coffee

Room: Festsaal Dülferstraße

On Google maps

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Reflections on insights and proposals generated during working sessions

For :Board of Presidents, Alliance Management Board, Advisory Council, Student Council, Faculty and Staff Council, Quality Council, Institutional Coordinators, Institutional project managers, Communication heads and communication officers

Rectorate 302, Rectorate Schauraum, Rectorate Festsaal, HSZ/208/U, FOE102, Rectorate Fechtraum, FOE 180, FOE 101

6:00 pm

Reception at Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden

Networking opportunity for all participants including new generation of YLA

Meeting Point: Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Entrance Hall

On Google maps

Lingnerpl. 1, 01069 Dresden

for: all participants

6:30 pm

Welcome address

Dinner opening

Networking opportunity for all participants including new generation of YLA

Meeting Point: Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Entrance Hall

On Google maps

Lingnerpl. 1, 01069 Dresden

for: all participants

6:30 pm

Open visit to the museum

Networking opportunity for all participants including new generation of YLA

Meeting Point: Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Entrance Hall

On Google maps

Lingnerpl. 1, 01069 Dresden

for: all participants