Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) is one of the oldest and largest technical universities in Germany. It was founded in 1828 and has since evolved into a prominent research and education institution. With approximately 33,000 students and over 8,000 staff members, TU Dresden is a significant academic hub in the region.
17 Faculties across five Schools offer an extensive variety of 119 degree programs and undertakes research in five focal areas of research, which reflect the strengths of the university: (1) Health Sciences, Biomedicine and Bioengineering, (2) Information Technology and Microelectronics, (3) Materials Science and Engineering, (4) Energy, Mobility and Environment, and (5) Culture and Societal Change. These are considered exemplary throughout Germany and Europe.
TUD has been one of the German Universities Excellence for over ten years, defended this title in 2019 with the “TUD 2028 – Synergy and Beyond” proposal. Three new Clusters of Excellence started their work in 2019. PoL: Physics of Life researches the foundations behind the dynamic organization of living matter. Ct.qmat: Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter designs novel materials for the revolutionary, state-of-the-art tech of the future. And CeTI: Center for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop pursues the vision of constructing cyber-physical communication networks with real-time effect.
An outstanding example of cooperation is DRESDEN-concept. It is a research alliance of TU Dresden with Dresden’s non-university research and cultural institutions. A total of 36 partner institutions have joined forces in the association to bundle synergies and jointly develop the Dresden science hub into a DRESDEN-concept Science and Innovation Campus.
The acronym DRESDEN stands for Dresden Research and Education Synergies for the Development of Excellence and Novelty and emphasizes the focus of the collaboration: by networking across the boundaries of institutions and subjects, DRESDEN-concept offers researchers an ideal place for science and innovation.
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